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Bold (P&G)

P&G Bold 宝洁新款强效4D洗衣球(含柔顺剂)- 清新花香

含税费。 结账时计算的运费
  • 快点,只有 9 件有货!




    • 1 款洗衣液中还包含柔顺剂的 4 种功效。
    • 防止皱纹并赋予柔软蓬松的妆容。轻松熨烫。
    • 强效洗涤成分,确保衣物美观洁净。
    • 全新香氛胶囊配方提供持久、优雅的花香。
    • 改进的除臭技术。
    • 室内干燥时可预期香薰效果。
    • 只需添加 1 粒胶囊,任何人都可以轻松洗衣。
    • 即使在冷水中也能形成 100% 可溶的薄膜。
    • 可用于顶部装载机和前置装载机。


标准负载使用 1 个胶囊
对于大量或严重脏污的负载(超过 65 升水或 6 公斤衣物),请使用 2 个胶囊
  1. 将 1 或 2 个洗涤剂胶囊放入滚筒底部或朝向滚筒后部的位置。这有效地溶解了洗涤剂的外膜
  2. 装入衣物
  3. 开始


    • 该产品不可食用。请勿将其放入口中或吞咽。
    • 请将其放在儿童、痴呆症患者和宠物接触不到的地方。
    • 使用后请将容器盖盖紧。
    • 储存时避免高温、高湿和阳光直射。
    • 请勿将其用于洗手。
    • 请勿用湿手触摸。
    • 请勿用力按压或触摸太长时间。
    • 如果产品撕裂或未稀释的液体沾到洗衣机的盖子等上,请立即用水擦掉。
    • 如果吞咽,请喝水并咨询医生。
    • 如果进入眼睛,请勿揉搓,而应用水冲洗并咨询医生。


Experience the ultimate laundry convenience with P&G Bold Laundry Capsules. Formulated with powerful detergent, 4-in-1 softener benefits, deodorant, wrinkle prevention, and long lasting fresh flower & savon fragrance. Perfect for top and front loaders. Just toss a capsule in - easy! 11pcs in container
Experience the ultimate laundry convenience with P&G Bold Laundry Capsules. Formulated with powerful detergent, 4-in-1 softener benefits, strong cleaning ability, deodorant, wrinkle prevention, and long lasting fresh flower & savon fragrance. Perfect for top and front loaders. Just toss a capsule in - easy!
P&G Bold 宝洁新款强效4D洗衣球(含柔顺剂)- 清新花香
P&G Bold 宝洁新款强效4D洗衣球(含柔顺剂)- 清新花香
P&G Bold 宝洁新款强效4D洗衣球(含柔顺剂)- 清新花香
P&G Bold 宝洁新款强效4D洗衣球(含柔顺剂)- 清新花香
Experience the ultimate laundry convenience with P&G Bold Laundry Capsules. Formulated with powerful detergent, 4-in-1 softener benefits, strong cleaning ability, deodorant, wrinkle prevention, and long lasting fresh flower & savon fragrance. Perfect for top and front loaders. Just toss a capsule in - easy! 24pcs refill
Experience the ultimate laundry convenience with P&G Bold Laundry Capsules. Formulated with powerful detergent, 4-in-1 softener benefits, deodorant, wrinkle prevention, and long lasting fresh flower & savon fragrance. Perfect for top and front loaders. Just toss a capsule in - easy! 70pcs refill
Experience the ultimate laundry convenience with P&G Bold Laundry Capsules. Formulated with powerful detergent, 4-in-1 softener benefits, strong cleaning ability, deodorant, wrinkle prevention, and long lasting fresh flower & savon fragrance. Perfect for top and front loaders. Just toss a capsule in - easy!
Experience the ultimate laundry convenience with P&G Bold Laundry Capsules. Formulated with powerful detergent, 4-in-1 softener benefits, strong cleaning ability, deodorant, wrinkle prevention, and long lasting fresh flower & savon fragrance. Perfect for top and front loaders. Just toss a capsule in - easy! 92pcs refill